Getting people to find you and your work

April 12, 2010

I am committed to making a positive contribution through my work and to helping others make their unique positive contributions. In order to get my work to be noticed, though, I had to learn how to attract people to it. I dove into the world of marketing and specifically, web-based marketing, since I didn’t have much money to spend on marketing, and learned a lot.

Here’s a succinct overview of getting people to find you and your work using affordable web-based tools and strategies. Hope you enjoy and learn something.

And check out my new teleseminar with Ruth B. of at:
“Getting traffic” teleseminar information

8 Responses to “Getting people to find you and your work”

  1. Betsy Says:

    Great instructional video Bill! Thanks so much for posting.

  2. Tish Vincent Says:

    Wonderful presentation.

    Thanks, Bill. I participated in your Presenters Bootcamp in February 2008. I’ve used everything I learned there over and over and over. Still growing and going with it.

    I enjoyed the information you shared here and hearing your voice. I plan to use more of your resources.

    Hope you are well. I’m glad you have found Helen.

    Tish Vincent (monkey from Lansing)

    Our group is falling apart but we are soldiering on alone and all happy we came and participated in your training.

    • Thanks Tish. Yes, it is hard to keep groups together with most people being so busy these days. Thanks for your good wishes. I am glad I found Helen too (or she found me). I have moved into a phase in my life in which I regularly feel blessed by the incredible life I have, with work I love that supports me and brings positive things to the world and people who love me and are willing for me to love them. Born at the right time, as Paul Simon sings. Blessed and blissed.

      Best to you and the rest of the monkeys. Hope you are all up to some good monkey business in this world.

  3. Theresa Says:

    Bill, thank you so much for your videos. I always enjoy your way of sharing, and being in the cybercommunity… you are truly inspiring! I actually just find your voice quite encouraging and grounding- so I listen to these seminars even if I’m not at that stage of developing my practice- it all helps!

  4. Lee Horton Says:

    Thanks Bill for taking the time to make this presentation. I want to underline your comment about making blog entries brief. I have read – well not read some entries that are much too long, even if they have useful information.

  5. Thank you for this information! I got a lot out of it, and am excited to start getting things up and running! I appreciate the clear and concise way you presented this information.

  6. Delphine Says:

    Thank you a thousand times for this entry, Bill! I have asked about this to several people around me, among wich a lot of techie-computer-guys, looked it up on various platforms, and I never found such a concise, precise, informative and functional summary as what I had from reading this entry. So I decided to read your whole blog, and learned a whole lot more! Thank you! – Delphine.

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