Archive for the 'Joint venture' Category

Getting people to find you and your work

April 12, 2010

I am committed to making a positive contribution through my work and to helping others make their unique positive contributions. In order to get my work to be noticed, though, I had to learn how to attract people to it. I dove into the world of marketing and specifically, web-based marketing, since I didn’t have much money to spend on marketing, and learned a lot.

Here’s a succinct overview of getting people to find you and your work using affordable web-based tools and strategies. Hope you enjoy and learn something.

And check out my new teleseminar with Ruth B. of at:
“Getting traffic” teleseminar information

Want to Learn Something? Google and The Web are your friends

June 3, 2009

Sometimes people ask me how I have learned a lot fo this Life of Freedom stuff (email marketing, creating web sites, blogging, online shopping cart, audio editing, video editing, autoresponders, affiliate income, joint ventures, automating and organizing software, outsourcing, teleseminars, webinars, etc.).

The quick answer is that I used Google to search and find video or written tutorials that would teach me most of it. Of course, sometimes the software vendor has videos on their sites.

So, when you want to learn something you don’t know how to do, Google it.

Partnering or joint venturing

May 18, 2009

I have been teaching a friend of mine (Cindy Barrilleaux; see her website at this passive income and web marketing strategy stuff for about a year now. Recently she sent me an email wondering whether I would be willing to send out an email announcement to me email list of 6,000 or so people (as of May 2009, when I am writing this) about a teleseminar series she was offering about “Getting Over Writer’s Block.” Now, I am wary of sending too many emails to my list, as I don’t want to burn the readers out, but I like Cindy and many people on my list have aspirations to write. And she sweetened the pot with an offer to give me an affiliate referral fee of $50 for each person who signed up through my affiliate link (actually it was through a website she set up specifically for my referrals). A few weeks later, she wrote and told me she was transferring my affiliate referral fees to me by PayPal and $450 showed up. She had 18 people sign up and 9 of them came from me.

Now some people would balk at giving away so much of the tuition for the teleseminar (it was pretty affordable; she wasn’t charging a whole lot), but Cindy had learned one key thing over the time she was studying and implementing these online income and marketing strategies: those registrations were ones she would ot have gotten but for me. For her, it was a way to increase her revenues (she was going to offer the teleseminar anyway; why not have more people, even for a little less per person). In addition, I bet some of those people on the calls will end up becoming coaching clients for her or buying some of her digital products or recommending others to her. She also adds to her email mailing list; not much, but every name counts.

So, think about who you know (or can get to know) who has a mailing list, would be kindly disposed toward you or what you are offering. Approach them about a partnership or “joint venture.”